How to make Donut Holes

Step:1 Get Your Ingredients/Materials

Open your kitchen cabinet and take out all-purpose flour, some vegetable oil, sugar, salt, baking powder, ground nutmeg then take out a large bowl, a pan, one measuring cup and a slotted spoon and put everything on the counter.

Open your refrigerator and take out whole milk and put it on the counter, then take out unsalted butter and eggs and then put them on the counter.

Step: 2 Combine Everything

Take a large bowl from your cabinet and put it on the counter. Then put 1 1/2 cups of flour and 1/3 cup of sugar using the measuring cup into the bowl. Then put 2 teaspoons of baking powder, 1/2 whole milk, 1/2 teaspoon of ground nutmeg, 1 egg and 1/2 teaspoon of salt into the bowl.

Take 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter and put it in a small cup then in the microwave for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds pour it in the large bowl then walk to the sink and wash your hands to mix the ingredients or use a hand mixer (mix well for like 5 minutes).

Step: 3 Get the oil ready

Take the pan place it on the counter then open your oil and measure out 2 cups. Pour it in the pan.

Walk to your stove turn it on medium heat. Place the pan on the heat. Make sure that the oil is not too hot by using a thermometer, it should reach 350f. You can get the thermometer in the cabinet.

Step: 4 Start frying

Wet your hands with either a little water or oil. Use your hands or a spoon to make a ball shape out of the dough the size of a golf ball.

Once the oil has reached 350f use your hands or the slotted spoon to carefully put the dough in the oil about 4 or five at a time.

Make sure that you don't drop them in the oil because it may spash just lower your hand a little bit.

Step: 5 Turn them over

You will fry each side for about 2 minutes until it is brown. Take the slotted spoon and turn it over. Take two pieces of paper towel and put it on a plate this will allow the oil to drain. Then use the slotted spoon to carefully place the donut holes on the plate and turn off the stove

Step: 6 Topping

Measure out 1/4 cup of sugar and put it on a plate. Take your donut holes and roll them in the sugar until it is fully covered then place it on the other plate with the paper towel. Once you are done take another plate from your cabinet and put as many donut holes as you want. Then eat and enjoy!